Today’s world is centered around our ability to connect with others. Through this program students will receive an intimate understanding of how the world is connected, so they can go out and create the tools that will enhance our culture and our commerce and change the way we view the Internet, society—and everything in between.
From business and investments, communications and information access, scientific discovery and medicine to government information and security, our graduates will be in a perfect position to make their mark on the world.
Their deep intellectual and practical preparation in networks and network phenomena—the Internet, power grids, social and technological networks—sponsored search, emerging markets, automatic trading and collective decision making in social networks will make them the cream of sought-after talent in a field whose influence grows every second.
“Having coursework in social network analysis, mechanism design or economics, along with a fundamental understanding of computer science and algorithms will make Networked and Social Systems Engineering candidates stand out from all the others.”
Cameron Marlow
In-House Sociologist