Eligibility for Transfer

Penn students currently enrolled in one of the four undergraduate schools (Arts and Sciences, Engineering, Nursing or Wharton) and who are at the end of their freshman year (after two semesters) are eligible to apply. Please note that only single degree candidates are eligible. Dual degree is not an option for this program.

Academic Requirements

Student must:

  • Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.3.
  • Complete a minimum of eight Penn course units.
  • Have all open grading issues (Incompletes, NRs and GRs) resolved.
Course Prerequisites

In addition to the above requirements, the courses listed below must be successfully completed for application consideration. Note that “Penn equivalent credit,” such as advanced placement (AP) credit, course waivers, credit issued for departmental exams, or transfer credit from other institutions can be used to fulfill a number of these course requirements

Two of the following:

  • MATH 104
  • MATH 114
  • CIS 160
  • PHYS 150

Note: CIS 110 and/or CIS 120 are recommended, but not required

Additional Requirements

A student’s GPA is not the only factor in acceptance. The Networked and Social Systems Engineering (NETS) Transfer Committee will take into account the applicant’s:

  • Academic rigor while at Penn
  • Quality of the NETS essay
  • Application Instructions

Submit the following application, along with your essay, to Penn Engineering’s Research and Academic Services Office (RAS), located in 109 Towne Building, by the end of the academic semester. We accept applications at the end of Fall as well as Spring semesters.